scientific laser

Herz Series

Ultrashort pulses with high pulse energy and high power.

Based on gas-filled multipass cells and chirped-mirrors-based temporal re-compression, the Herz series is a nonlinear compression scheme perfectly suited to shorten the pulse duration of our Dira series lasers to sub-40 fs.

Thanks to the robustness, wide adaptability and reliability of these compression scheme, the portfolio of this products is suitable for different repetition rates, pulse energies and driving sources. Customized solutions for different driving lasers and special configurations up to 400 mJ are available upon request.

High average power

Up to 1 kW at 1 kHz repetition rate

High efficiency

More than 95 % optical efficiency

Short pulse duration

Pulse durations < 40 fs with best output quality and stability

High flexibility

Variable pulse duration with Dira series and different input sources on request


Flyer Herz Series: Nonlinear pulse compression
Flyer Herz Series: Nonlinear pulse compression


Secondary radiation generation

Femtosecond pulses at high intensity and repetition rate are the next generation of sources for: X-rays via Compton scattering, UV light via high harmonic generation and THz radiation via air filamentation. 

Ultrafast (time-resolved) spectroscopy

Light-matter interaction can be investigated at few-femtosecond time scale and with high resolution with ultrashort pulses at high repetition rate. 

Laser lightning rod, TRUMPF scientific lasers

Plasma acceleration

The combination of Terawatt intensities and kilohertz repetition rate can open new frontiers at electron and ions accelerators.  

Technical data

  Herz 10 Herz 100 Herz 200
Wavelength (nm) 970 - 1090 980 - 1080 980 - 1080
Max. average power (W) 1000 500 ≤ 1000
Max. pulse energy (mJ) 10 100 200
Min. Pulse duration1 (fs) ≤ 30 ≤  40 ≤  40
Repetition rate (kHz) 1 - 100
Beam quality (M2) ≤ 1.5

[1] For 500 fs input pulses

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